Sen. Thayer said Gov. Beshear committed to be involved in pension reform [Part 3]
Can’t Touch This – The Daily Show
Can’t Touch This – Jason Jones of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show “investigates” the Kentucky state government’s plan to nullify distasteful federal laws. Featuring our own Damon Thayer.
Can’t Touch This – The Daily Show
Can’t Touch This – Jason Jones of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show “investigates” the Kentucky state government’s plan to nullify distasteful federal laws. Featuring our own Damon Thayer.
Senate wants to work on tax reform but not willing to see tax increases
GOP Senate leader outlines constitutional and logistical concerns with Beshear’s expansion of Medicaid
GOP Senate leader outlines constitutional and logistical concerns with Beshear’s expansion of Medicaid
Senate doesn’t need the House’s help in drawing map but will have to negotiate over numbers
Thayer Redistricting and Special Session
Thayer Redistricting and Special Session
Senator Damon Thayer Video Senate Session 2013