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[bs_col class=”col-xs-12″][quote]Senator Damon Thayer’s excellent record of achievement and his vision for the future have impressed many individuals, businesses and organizations.[/quote][/bs_col]
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2016 Campaign Endorsements
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2016 Candidate Voting Records
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2012 Campaign Endorsements
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Lexington Herald-Leader: Commended “…Thayer’s admirable efforts to improve transparency in campaign finance disclosure.” Additionally, they said that Senator Thayer “has also pushed for more accountability for the hundreds of local special taxing districts, supporting legislation that would require county fiscal courts to approve any tax increases levied by the unelected boards of those districts” and his role as a “champion of the effort to get a constitutional amendment on the ballot to allow casino gambling in Kentucky.”
Senator Damon Thayer has been endorsed by the following groups in the May 22 Republican Primary:
Northern Kentucky Right to Life: “…based on his strong and consistent Pro-Life voting record in the state legislature.” 4/11/12
Kentucky Right to Life: “We will…encourage (our membership) to cast pro-life votes on your behalf.” 4/10/12
National Rifle Association: A+ rated and endorsed “based on your record of support on Second Amendment issues…as well as your answers to…our questionnaire.’ 4/17/12
Kentucky Chamber of Commerce: “…based on his support for private enterprise and understanding of business issues, as well as his past voting record and his answers to the Kentucky Chamber PAC’s 2012 Legislative Candidate Survey.” 4/11/12
Lexington Herald-Leader: Thayer “…gets high marks for leadership and independence…” and “we have been impressed by Thayer’s efforts…..(on)pension reform, …greater transparency and timeliness in campaign finance reporting.” 5/8/12
Senator Thayer has also been endorsed by former U.S. Senator Jim Bunning and Agriculture Commissioner James Comer.
Here is what some others are saying about Damon Thayer:
National Federation of Independent Business: “We are pleased to inform you that you have achieved a 100% voting record on small business issues for 2011-2012.” 5/2/12
Kentucky Club for Growth: “In the history of our scorecard, no Senator has opposed unnecessary spending and held the line against tax increases more often than Damon Thayer…. his commitment to government transparency, low taxes and controlled spending is unmatched in the Senate… His scorecard results are a success, and characterizing them any other way is a distortion of a fine record. .” 5/11/12
U.S. Senator Rand Paul(R-KY): “One of the most conservative, if not the most conservative member of the state Senate.” 8/8/11
I want to thank these groups and individuals for their support, and now ask for yours in the voting booth on Tuesday.
Kentucky.com Endorses Senator Damon Thayer – 5/08/12
- Sen. Damon Thayer is trying to gain the Republican nomination to serve a third term representing the 17th district, which comprises Scott, Owen, Grant and part of Kenton counties.We think Thayer deserves a vote of confidence from his party. He has far out-raised his opponent, Rick Hostetler, and seems likely to win the nod to be the standard-bearer for his party in the fall.Thayer, of Georgetown, played a prominent role in this spring’s legislative session as sponsor of a proposal to place a constitutional amendment to allow casino gambling before voters.That effort failed, but Thayer, who throughout his professional career has been associated with the equine industry, gets marks for leadership and independence for attempting to get this long-debated topic before voters despite opposition from within his own party.We have been impressed by Thayer’s efforts in other areas, including pension reform, restricting race day medications for horses and greater transparency and timeliness in campaign finance reporting.His interest in transparency, though, did not extend to revealing the names of clients of his racing consulting business and whether they stood to benefit from the casino gambling he was advocating. It’s information the public had a right to know considering the extraordinary financial windfall for some if a casino measure did pass. Although he did eventually release the information, Thayer’s initial response to the question was not reassuring.Hostetler, a Scott County farmer and electrical contractor, is making his first run for office. He is a member of the Scott County Republican executive committee and the Tea Party. He did not respond to an invitation to meet with the Herald-Leader editorial board.The winner will face Democrat David Holcomb of Georgetown in November..
Kentucky Chamber PAC Endorses Senator Damon Thayer – 5/11/12
- The Kentucky Chamber Political Action Committee (PAC) has endorsed Sen. Damon Thayer (R-Georgetown) for re-election in the upcoming Primary Election. His selection for endorsement is based on his support for private enterprise and understanding of business issues, as well as his past voting record and his answers to the Kentucky Chamber PAC’s 2012 Legislative Candidate Survey.Sen. Thayer has a consistent record of promoting and supporting issues that enable job growth and economic development, which lead to a higher quality of life for the citizens of the 17th Senatorial District and the Commonwealth.The Kentucky Chamber PAC is the independent political arm of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, the largest broad-based business organization in Kentucky.
National Rifle Association of America – 11/15/11
- Senator Damon Thayer is a long time champion of the Second Amendment. He has a consistent record of protecting the Right to Keep and Bear Arms of law-abiding Kentuckians in Senate District 17, earning him ‘A’ ratings and endorsements from the National Rifle Association’s Political Victory Fund in both 2004 and 2008.During the 2011 session, he worked diligently to ensure The Right to Hunt and Fish Constitutional Amendment would be placed on the 2012 ballot, thus enabling Kentucky to take an important step in preserving its hunting heritage for future generations. Senator Thayer’s committed support of the Second Amendment is a great asset to gun owners, sportsmen and to all residents of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
Georgetown News-Graphic – 2/1/11
- It’s our opinion that Damon Thayer is an outstanding senator, and has served Scott County and his district well in Frankfort. He has always proven to be effective and a visionary.”
Boone County PVA Cindy Avlinghaus – 8/26/11
- “Damon Thayer has not only arranged for me to speak to the Local Government Committee twice, but also helped limit SD1 increases, fought to hold special taxing districts accountable to voters and helped Kentucky with his transparency bill.’
Kentucky Club for Growth (www.kyclubforgrowth.org) – 7/28/11
- “Senator Damon Thayer is a champion for taxpayers in the Senate.” “In the history of our scorecard, no senator has opposed unnecessary spending and held the line against tax increases more often than Damon Thayer…he has become a leader for fiscal conservatives…a dependable sponsor and champion of legislation to protect the taxpayer…his commitment to government transparency, low taxes, and controlled spending is unmatched in the Senate.”
United States Senator Rand Paul – 8/8/11
- “I’m very happy to be here to support Damon Thayer, one of the most conservative, if not the most conservative member of the State Senate.”
Lexington Herald-Leader – 3/25/2010
- Senator Thayer…fighting for transparency, disclosure, accountability and transparency. “…(Thayer’s bill) would make KACo and the League(of Cities) subject to open records and open meetings laws, give their boards a code of ethics and allow the state auditor to review their books….would require KACo and the League to post their expenses online.” The bill was passed into law.
Margie Montgomery, Executive Director, Kentucky Right to Life – 10/10/11
- Damon Thayer is a conscientious and knowledgeable legislator, who has represented his constituents and other Kentuckians very well since 2003. As someone who has been in Frankfort every week during the sessions, I am very aware of Senator Thayer’s attributes.Damon has a 100% pro-life voting record, which is an excellent indicator of his public position on respect for the dignity of each and every human life. He attends our annual Right to Life rallies in the Capitol rotunda, which are held to show public support of our pro-life bills. He has been helpful in providing support and advice to us in the pro-life movement.In these times we need men and women with strong integrity and a serious work ethic not only in committee assignments but also on the Senate floor to also speak on other legislation that will enhance the lives of Kentuckians. It is a refreshing experience to hear Senator Damon Thayer speak clearly and forcefully on the issues in which he believes
Kentucky League of Cities letter to Damon Thayer – 8/16/11
- “…you have been an outstanding advocate for pension system reform, as evidenced by your sponsorship of SB 2 last session. As you know, retirement reform is the most pressing fiscal issue facing Kentucky’s cities and has been KLC’s first legislative priority for the past several sessions. Because of your leadership on city issues, it is our pleasure to honor you as a Friend of Kentucky Cities.”
Mica Sims, Lexington tea party organizer
- “Senator Thayer has always stood on the right side of liberty with his voting record. He has also been very active with the Tea Parties across the state. He has always been very accessible to us. Damon listens to the concerns and opinions of the Tea Party which makes him a huge asset to us in Frankfort.”
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