Category: News

  • Week 1 of the 2021 Regular Session

    The Kentucky General Assembly has officially gaveled in for the 2021 Regular Session. Our first official few days back in Frankfort have been productive. Diligent work over the course of the 2020 Interim and handling initial procedural responsibilities bring me confidence in what this 30-day session has in store.

  • Happy Labor Day 2020

    On Tuesday, September 5, 1882, in New York City, America held its first Labor Day celebration. In 1894, then-President Grover Cleveland officially made Labor Day a national holiday. Since that time, America has recognized the first Monday in September to celebrate the people who keep our economy moving and society strong – the American worker.

  • Happy Independence Day 2020

    On July 4th, 1776, amid the American Revolutionary War, church bells rang throughout Philadelphia as the President of the Continental Congress, John Hancock, had just signed the Declaration of Independence.

  • Gov. Andy Beshear’s Unemployment Scandal is a National Embarrassment

    As a direct result of Gov. Andy Beshear’s shutdown orders, nearly half of Kentucky’s workforce has filed for unemployment insurance since March. As we reach the end of June, tens of thousands of Kentuckians who have filed jobless claims still have yet to receive the money they were promised and have earned.

  • Statement on the HB 114 Court Ruling

    “The recent legal victory by Attorney General Daniel Cameron and his staff regarding 2019’s House Bill 114 is, in truth, a victory for all Kentuckians. The Attorney General was granted summary judgement in the lawsuit by former Secretary of State Alison Grimes, of which I was a main target.“The recent legal victory by Attorney General…

  • 2020 Regular Session Legislative Update

    With a reduced staff and no visitors, efforts to promote social distancing left the marble corridors of the Capitol much quieter than usual for the final days of a budget session. However, the legislature continued to work tirelessly to complete the people’s business in a timely, but healthy manner, meeting only 53 legislative days—seven days…

  • Legislative Update – April 4, 2020

    The Kentucky General Assembly wrapped up its final day before the start of a veto recess by passing a one-year Executive Branch budget.  The Senate met its constitutional obligation to pass a state budget this week, but the spending plan was truncated because of COVID-19. It’s simply unclear how severe the disease’s impact will be…

  • Legislative Update – March 23, 2020

    Everyone is grappling with COVID-19 differently and in their own way. But for a brief moment, it seems that our nation, along with the rest of the world, agrees on a common enemy: the Coronavirus.  The reflection on last week has made me proud to be a Kentuckian and an American. I have witnessed a…

  • Legislative Update – March 23, 2020

    Everyone is grappling with COVID-19 differently and in their own way. But for a brief moment, it seems that our nation, along with the rest of the world, agrees on a common enemy: the Coronavirus.  The reflection on last week has made me proud to be a Kentuckian and an American. I have witnessed a…

  • Legislative Update – March 13, 2020

    The Kentucky General Assembly paused during its 10th week in light of efforts to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In a bicameral and bipartisan statement, leaders from both chambers decided to exercise an abundance of caution and postpone legislative business for Friday and Monday. This will provide an opportunity to further evaluate safety procedures and…