FRANKFORT (JULY 21, 2022) – Senate Majority Floor Leader Damon Thayer, R-Georgetown, and Senator Steve West, R-Paris, attended the quarterly meeting of the Kentucky Horse Park Commission this afternoon where they presented a ceremonial check in the amount of $21 million in funding. The funds were allocated to the park in the 2022 state budget enacted during the 2022 Legislative Session.
As described by the Kentucky Horse Park website, the horse park’s mission has been to celebrate the human relationship with the horse through education, exhibition, engagement and competition. Owned and operated by the Commonwealth of Kentucky, each year the Kentucky Horse Park welcomes over 500,000 visitors from around the world. It is a treasure to our state and a facility unlike any other in the world.
“As an avid supporter of Kentucky’s signature horse industry, I am excited and honored to present this much needed funding to the Kentucky Horse Park Commission,” Thayer said. “With tourists from around the world traveling to visit the horse park, it is important to ensure the park has the money needed for things such as modern renovations, stadium and arena upgrades, and routine maintenance. Keeping our signature industries properly funded and the infrastructure surrounding them ensures that people will continue traveling here to enjoy the unique offerings of our beautiful state.”
The Kentucky Horse Park property is split between Scott and Fayette counties. The Fayette County portion was recently added to Sen. West’s district.
“With the addition of Fayette County to my district this year, I was happy to learn that a portion of the Kentucky Horse Park was located in the area allocated to me,” West said. “It is a great honor to represent the interests of the horse park in the commonwealth’s capitol. Our state has a rich history surrounding the equestrian community and this organization does incredible work in preserving, highlighting and carrying that history into the future for all to learn from and enjoy.”
The $21 million in funding for the Kentucky Horse Park Commission is to be allocated as such:
- $3 million for maintenance pool.
- $4 million for renovation to the International Museum of the Horse.
- $2 million for roof replacement on the visitor’s center, museum and gatehouse.
- $2 million for the Rolex Stadium and covered arena.
- $10 million for barn repair and upgrades.
Lee Carter serves as executive director of the Kentucky Horse Park. He was named to the position in February 2021.
“This capital investment underscores how important the Kentucky Horse Park is to the Commonwealth,” Carter said. “From our tourism guests to our equine competitors, these funds will allow us to make upgrades throughout the Park that will improve the experience for anyone who visits for years to come.”
To learn more about the Kentucky Horse Park , please visit: .