Independence Day: A Celebration of Freedom & Unity

Since the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, the Fourth of July has been observed as a day for patriotism and unity. It is on this day that exemplary visionaries dared to create a new form of government for a new people — a country in which freedom reigned. It is with celebration, reflection, and remembrance that we observe this Independence Day. “We, the people of the United States, have faced insurmountable odds since our young country’s conception but continue to fight for our God-given rights unique to the United States of America..,”

The Fourth of July is an opportunity to reflect on our country’s past and to take pride in our nation’s enduring principles. This day marks the first time it was decided that every person is born with certain God-given rights and the Declaration of Independence is still known as one of the most powerful statements of all time. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness,” –Beginning as America’s foundation for freedom, these powerful words have since been transformed into a blueprint for the greatest nation on earth.

Our nation—and our great Commonwealth—was founded on a simple principle: “united we stand, divided we fall.” Countless Americans have fought on and off the battlefield so that we could enjoy the freedoms and rights that we too often take for granted. Civil and international wars have been fought to expand these freedoms to all people. We are a nation that celebrates our differences; we do not persecute because of them. We must keep these values at the forefront of our minds as we navigate today’s political discourse.

Just as we remember the history of our Founding Fathers and our nation’s past, it is imperative that we honor the brave men and women fighting at home and around the world to preserve our future. Let us celebrate the Americans who put their lives on the line every day so that we may remain the land of the free.

On July Fourth, Americans will gather at picnics, barbecues, and parades in recognition and gratitude for the freedoms we cherish. It is my hope that together, as proud Kentuckians, we will continue to strive for unity and peace for our country and our people. We are one nation, under God, and unitedly we will continue to live the lives our Founding Fathers envisioned.

I wish you and your family a safe and happy Independence Day, and may God bless America.

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