Category: Uncategorized

  • Independence Day 2016

    Independence Day, the Fourth of July, gives us all a chance to reflect on our country and to take pride in our nation’s enduring principles. It is the day on which the Declaration of Independence was ratified by exemplary visionaries who dared to create a new form of government and new laws for a new…

  • Legislative Update – January 8, 2016

    The New Year marks a new Legislative Session of the Kentucky General Assembly. Tuesday, January 5 was the start of a 60-day Session that will run through mid-April. In this Session, we hope to address the numerous important issues facing our state, keeping the common theme of creating Kentucky jobs and strengthening Kentucky families. One…

  • Senator Thayer on Redistricting

  • 2012 Pure Politics Interviews

    Sen. Thayer said Gov. Beshear committed to be involved in pension reform ; Damon Thayer open to trying again for casinos using lessons learned from 2012 Damon Thayer doesn’t dismiss need for change in leadership in the Senate